WINTER – the last season and final grandmother episode. I have really enjoyed basking in my grandmother’s wisdom and letting her warm voice wash over me. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to her, too.
Here are my key takeaways from the winter season:
Winter is about DECISIONS. Decisions are necessary if you want to move with purpose. You need a season of evaluation and assessment so you know whether your efforts are yielding fruit, and if you should change your methods.
The first type of decision to make is about the crops. Do you want to take the “crops” of your past into the spring planting season? Do you want to increase the amount you plant? Do you need to move your crops to different parts of the field? Or do you want to try something new altogether?
The next type of decision to make is about machinery. During the busy seasons of growth and harvest, you may have experienced mechanical breakdowns, or observed parts that need to be replaced. Now is the time to make those replacements and upgrades. Note – you may have OUTGROWN the machinery of this season and can’t take it with you into the spring. So now’s the time to evaluate whether the machinery you have still fits the type of job you have to do and if not, where will you upgrade and with what? Whew! That’s a WORD. Where do YOU need to upgrade?
Rest is not really rest. It’s like taking vitamins that are necessary for optimal growth.
Winter is a season for “plowing under” – turning the ground over to give it air, refresh it and bring stagnant soil up to the surface. What aspects of your life and purpose do you need to plow under, bring to the surface, and potentially give new life?
Winter is NECESSARY. The soil needs a break. You need a break. You cannot bloom year-round.
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Thank you to Connor Benjamin Littlejohn for the original theme song and music production. Follow him on Instagram @connorblittlejohn and Soundcloud @DJ Connor B
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© 2025 Amanda Miller Littlejohn
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