I’m passionate about visibility, and not because I’m an attention-whore.
I’m passionate about visibility because I know how POWERFUL it can be, and what it can do for your life.
Sharing and becoming visible POSITIONS YOU AS THE EXPERT in other peoples’ minds. It makes you visible to your industry and your network. You’re already doing the work. Visibility enhances the perception of how valuable you are.
Sharing and becoming visible STRETCHES YOU AND DEMOLISHES YOUR OWN MENTAL WALLS. It disputes the false stories you’re telling yourself about yourself. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “The mind once stretched by a new idea will never regain its original dimensions.” Once you see yourself and are seen for who you truly are by others, you can never go back.
Sharing your message and becoming visible BRINGS YOU CLOSER TO YOURSELF because you’re staying true to yourself. You’re being “more loyal to your dreams than to your fears” as author Tara Mohr puts it. It seems counterintuitive to think that you grow closer to yourself by connecting with many others, but it’s true.
I am dogged about visibility because it helps combat erasure. We have to tell our stories, lest history be revised.
I’m dogged about visibility because I know how painful it is to never be seen for who you really are, and what you have to offer.
I am dogged about visibility because traditionally only certain people have been allowed to be seen. Visibility is about justice, equality and parity.
I was given a gift of storytelling, promotion, packaging and translating people’s messages so they can be understood. One of the most powerful ways I know of to turn the volume up on your message and help you be seen, heard, and understood more widely is MEDIA.
That’s why I’m hosting a free one day virtual conference on Wednesday, March 6, 2019.
Maximum Exposure – Land Media for Your Personal Brand
It’s a virtual (read: online) conference – and it’s all about how to land valuable media for your personal brand.
I’ve invited friends of the academy – working journalists, a top podcaster, and a communications exec – to be your thought partners for the day.
Together, we’ll be pulling back the curtain on what it takes to get the MAXIMUM EXPOSURE your mission and message deserve.
Check out the schedule, review the speaker lineup, and REGISTER here >> Maximum Exposure: A Virtual Conference
And do me a huge favor – please invite your friends who are doing big, world-changing things, too!
This event is free, but space is limited.
So if getting your mission out there in a bigger way – even if it’s a little scary – is something you know you need to work on, I invite you to join us.
Register here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/PYGAMaximumExposure/register
© 2025 Amanda Miller Littlejohn
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