How do you show up when you come to win?
For some reason, we all know how to prioritize our work assignments, our money, our kids, even our health – but when we think of our gifts we go blank.
We get ourselves out of bed and out of the house every day, but suddenly can’t figure out how to motivate ourselves to get started.
We multitask, manage multiple calendars and juggle conflicting schedules for our teams and families, but we can’t figure out how to find the time to make our dreams happen.
We put together scrum boards and complex project flowcharts, but when it comes to our gifts, we can’t figure out the first step to take.
But we need to attack our gifts with the same energy we bring to the places we already excel.
Look at what you’re doing well, where you’re winning, what you’re getting right.
What are your typical patterns?
How do you show up when you’re ready to win?
For example, one of the things I feel like I am getting right is cultivating my children. So when I look at how I move and the energy I bring to cultivating my kids, I notice I do a few things every single year.
I do a few things:
1. Challenge the kids and raise the bar and keep standards high. So often we limit ourselves so I try to push them further than they think they can go so they can understand their own capabilities and learn not to limit themselves.
2. I cultivate them regularly. I try to find seasonal activities – classes, camps, lessons for them to take and try. I want them to get used to doing and trying new things. I want them to get accustomed to being engaged individuals who are connected to their personal talents and their larger society.
3. I personally keep learning – I seek out books, articles, podcasts and other ways to learn how to be a better parent and guide.
4. I find partners who can help me take them to the next level. I know I don’t know everything, so I look for teachers and instructors who can inspire them and mentor them generally or around a specific focus area.
This is how I show up when I come to win. And because these are my kids and I only get one shot at raising them, showing up to win is non-negotiable. And as such, it’s become second nature to me. And because it’s second nature to me, I see it as proof that I can build a success strategy for any domain of my life.
As can you.
If you are successful in any area of your life, which I know you are as a high achiever who listens to this podcast, you have the power to dissect your own personal recipe for success.
When you show up to win, how do you move?
When you show up to win, what is your formula to get results? When you show up to win, how do you motivate yourself to get things done?
When you show up to win, how do you organize your time?
When you show up to win, how do you find the money to invest when you need more resources?
So with that solutions-oriented, strategic mind, I want you to think through how you can approach your gifts, your calling.
Don’t just use your organizational skills, your strategic mind, your resourcefulness and creativity to accomplish your tasks at work – use those skills to get your own stuff done, too!
You’ve got to figure out how to show up FOR YOU the same way you show up for your job or your clients.
When it comes to you, you’ve got to figure out how to show up to win.
© 2025 Amanda Miller Littlejohn
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