While attending a women’s leadership conference in California, I heard one of the presenters drop a nugget that I don’t think I’ll soon forget.
When addressing a room full of junior leaders, many of whom were concerned about “work-life balance” (or more fashionably, “work-life integration”) she mentioned that she didn’t think she or any of her fellow panelists believed they ‘had it all’.
“I don’t think any of us up here believes that we have it all,” she said before pausing. “But then again, maybe we do…”
Have you ever considered that you already ‘have it all’ in this very moment – or at least all that you dreamed of one year ago, or ten years ago? Are you present to the absolute miracles that are unfolding in your personal life, at work, in your business, in your relationships?
We tend to tune out the everyday evolutions, the incremental signs of growth -while making sure not to miss that important email, or phone call or text. And in doing so, we’re blind to the many miracles we’re ironically setting ourselves up to miss,
I pondered this leading up to a trip to California and shared my musings from the beach.
I was recently quoted as a personal branding expert in the Washington Post article – How defining and honing a personal brand can help you stand out. Thank you to Beth Luberecki and the Washington Post for the opportunity to share.
© 2025 Amanda Miller Littlejohn
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